Classes are $10.00 each/per person. Please sign in 5 minutes before classes begin. If you are unable to attend a class let us know and we will record it for you. The replay is available for one week past the scheduled class.
Any questions please email us
Thank you for a wonderful Summer Session See you for Fall Classes resuming Sept. 5th!
Exploring asana, pranayama and meditation. Join a live stream with Tammy from the comfort of your own home. Using the registration form below, let us know which sessions you would like to join.
A gentle morning flow to get the energy in the body moving. You will be guided towards increasing your mobility and strength. There are poses to ground and revitalize. This meditative flowing practice will ensure you start the day in the best possible way.
Each week we explore a different meditation technique in this age old practice. Be it: guided visualization, progressive relaxation, Metta (Loving Kindness), Chakra balancing + more. Regardless of the lesson plan you will learn to further embrace the present moment, release physical/mental tensions and feel wonderful! Beginner and advanced practitioners welcome.